
Wednesday 22 November 2017

Wednesday Duvet Reading

Wednesday Duvet Reading 
and welcome to another weekly round-up of all things good online, pour yourself a brew and get back into bed, we have some catching up to do!

I hope you've all had a wonderful week! This week feels like one of those that has been a bit never ending. Not necessarily in a bad way, but in a way that I've pretty much woken up tired every day, snoozed comfortably more than 3 times, I've gotten up before you every day this week! Which I'm sure is never a good sign...

Perhaps it was down to the apocalyptic weird sky on Monday, a wonderful impromptu night out on Thursday (!!) or a certain somebody leaving the Bake Off on Tuesday (which, admittedly, I'm still not quite over but no spoilers here)-  but today I've finally woken up before 9am, so I'm going to try and begin my week here and start off on a more spritely note! So, without further ado, let's get cracking...
  • One of my favourite blog reads this week (and almost carrying on from last weeks girl power theme) came from my friend Lizzy (not biased I promise). With a beautiful summary of our trip to Paris las week, she spoke about the power of female friendships and included some gorgeous candid film photos of the week which warmed my tiny cold autumnal heart.
  • Another read that was truly moving was Susie Cave's interview with Vogue. From the word go I knew it would be heartbreaking, but the way she talks about loss and work is truly inspirational- and hearing of both hers and Nick's strength, talks on family and her beautiful brand, The Vampire's Wife, was a truly moving read. 
  • For something a little more light hearted, I loved Eva Wiseman's piece on The Guardian talking about the fact, that yes, it's official- there will be no SATC 3 (sob). Even as the biggest Sex and the City fan this gave me a chuckle and definitely made me realise it will probably be for the best (especially after number 2, which is probably best not spoken about)...
  • If you're after a new blog to completely indulge in, it's safe to say I've fallen head over heels for NYC Bambi. Not only did writer Christie recently feature on Into The Gloss (YES GIRL) but her blog is endlessly beautiful with some of the most creative shots and editorial style snaps out there. I also highly recommend a scroll through her beautiful Instagram too- dreamy...

Guess who's got a new podcast discovery?! Yup- it's yours truly, and this week I discovered Alison Alison Perry's 'Not Another Mummy Podcast'. Although I'm not a mother, I really found her episode with Alice and Phanella from The Step Up Club wickedly inspiring- and their talks on confidence, finding your feet in the workplace and picking yourself up after a wobble was truly insightful. I'm always after a good heart-to-heart empowering podcast, and this truly ticked the box. With other episodes including chats with women including Clemmie Hooper, Mother Pukka and Erica Davies- mama or not, it's definitely worth a listen!

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