
Sunday 19 November 2017

My Autumn To Do List.

My Autumn To Do List.

I wanted to do something a little different today, something just for fun… Seeing as Autumn is my favourite time of year and all that I’ve been keeping a little list of things I wanna do, places I wanna go, etc etc and thought ya know what, why not share it? Even if most bullet points include Buzz, walking buzz, and seeing buzz, but maybe I’ll just leave a couple of those points out yeah? Now some of these I’ve already done, some I’ve already planned, and some I just wanna write down so I don’t forget before things start getting seriously cold and rainy!

  • Go pumpkin picking.
  • Have a Halloween movie eve.
  • Be prepared this year and start Christmas shopping early (!!).
  • Explore more National Trust locations.
  • Go to a huge fireworks display.
  • Make all the Autumny cocktails.
  • Visit every farmer’s markets in our area.
  • Go to the cinema more.
  • Keep all our plants alive!

  • Make an Autumn wreath.
  • Get baking, anything and everything Pumpkin themed.
  • Read more. Always.
  • Eat Fish & Chips on the beach.
  • Have a huge clear out.
  • Decorate our flat.
  • Start prepping a Christmas cake.
  • Plant some spring bulbs.
  • Switch up to my Winter wardrobe.

These are just a few of mine, what have you got planned // what’s on your Autumn list?

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