
Wednesday 20 April 2016

Outlander book tag

Outlander book tag

Thanks for coming Lads and Lassies! Outlander book tag

You touch some standing stones and get transported back in time, what year would you hope to land in? 

Tudor times and meeting Queen Marie Stuart of Scotland in France. 

2.  Claire is a very good nurse, what type of skill would you want to have that a fictional character excels at? 

Valerie from the Vampire Diaries and her witch powers.

3. Jamie and Claire are ultimate relationship goals, who is your favourite fictional couple?

The doctor and River from doctor who.

4. The ending of outlander was shocking, what is one book you read that totally blew your mind?

Game of Thrones  and the Red Wedding scene in the book.

5. Scotland has lots of castles and we see quite a few in Outlander, what fictional kingdom would you want as your own (castle included)?

Asgardian Castle from Thor, marvel comic  

6. Outlander has some very steamy scenes, what is your favourite romance novel?

Twilight and Fault in Our Stars

7. The Jacobite Rising is a huge plot point in the Outlander series, what book has your favourite battle in it?

Harry potter and the Deathly Hallows

8. Jamie and Claire get married very unexpectedly, what fictional character would you want to marry on a whim?

Jacob from Twilight 

9. Scotland is a beautiful place, what is one fictional world you would love to visit?

The elf lands of the Shannara Chronicles

10. If you could change the past, would you?

 From doctor who would say:  wibbily wobbly timey wimey 

People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to affect, but actually, from a non-linier, non subjective point of view it is more like a big ball of wibbily wobbly timey wimey...stuff 

11.Tag somebody!

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