
Sunday 21 February 2016



Lots of you seem to have enjoyed my earlier spring cleaning posts that I thought I would bring you weekend special since it’s raining and I suspect a lot of people, like myself, will be camping our inside.

1. Wardrobe:
If you haven’t done this yet what are you waiting for?! Separate your winter clothes and put them away in order to make room for all your spring/summer clothes. I would recommend getting some vacuum bags as they make everything so much more compact, it’s also worth taking the time to clean your wardrobe and clothes drawers and organise.

2. Phone and Gadgets
I feel like I spend my life endlessly doing this, delete old photos, files and programmes/apps from your phone and laptop. If you have time it is also worth having a look through your email account and deleting and organising. Don’t forget to also go through any memory cards, transfer photos and delete the ones you no longer need as this will make it easier for next time. Finish by giving everything a good clean with some tech wipes.

3. Drawers
I have an talent for collecting clutter and it builds up in just a couple of weeks so this is something I do regularly and actually really enjoy. I start from a corner of the room/house and go through all the shelves, boxes and drawers binning anything I don’t want or need (don’t forget you can sell and donate too). Once everything is don’t I also reorganise everything.

4. Bed
Next time you change your bed give the mattress a good hoover and flip it around, this will make it last longer and be more comfortable.

5. Makeup
If you haven’t seen my posts about clearing our your makeup collection and clearing out your makeup bag then have a quick read if you are looking for a little guidance. If your makeup is all still in order from the last time why not take the time to clean all your makeup brushes and reorganise a little?

What do you have planned for today?

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